Thanks for following my blog! I have placed a Youtube Video Bar on the side, for those of you whose ears bleed from the musical stylings of Taylor Swift. And no worries-there's a pause button for that. I've got your back amigo/a!

While I repeatedly stumble, rejoice, and gangster-dance through life, many a times I will encounter an experience which knocks my footies off. It is during those precious moments when I need to translate my priceless thoughts into flourous shibbolith! (-words of passion) So thankyou blogger.com! Oh, and FYI my precious reader, you are welcome to read whatever gladdens your eyes.

P.S. If my readers desire to sob and giggle unceasingly over precious perrito pics they are welcome to as many as their emotions can handle. :D ~Love, Peace, Chicken Grease.

~Miss Poppyseed Muffin


Saturday, April 25, 2009

So Inspactedly excited for Rich and Cheryl + HAILEY Comin Round the Mountain from D.C.(hometown)

Tuesday Wa-hoo's-day! stinkin Rich and cheryl, I am soooo hysterically eccentric of you 3 fleeing that jungle of woe to the welcome gang of OREM the UT. (Rich-bro, Cheryl-sister-in-law, Hailey- Niece!) My neighbor's daughter had a baby, I saw her today and thought of Hailey! This is going to be soooooooooooooooo bubbily-ishness-fantastico (really really really fun)! Yay.

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