There have been times in my life when prayer has given me the comfort that no person could. When I pray faithfully, worthily and with real intent, there are many times where I can't help myself to cry in remorse or of happiness! I know for sure of something, I feel immeadite sympathy from one who loves, understands, and knows me. Me, one who is lost in the world, one who understands the gospel and still strays from the path of righteousness. He understands my grief and my joys. He is my eternal father in heaven. I love my earthly father SO much! I cannot immagine how much I will love my Father in heaven when I meet him face to face. "God said, Draw near to me, and I will draw near unto you." He accepts us for who we are and He wants nothing more than to guide us through this wicked world as a light on the hill. Heavenly Father wants us to enjoy true happiness. We can ask for his help and guidence and much more, if we let him. How do I let him guide me through this world that is ripening in iniquity?
I want to focus right now on Humility, I stuggle with Pride.
How do I get rid of Pride and be humble for the rest of my life?
(Doing so will allow God to work through me and also show me ways to have true joy)
-remember that we are all human, we are not better or worse than any other person
-Be patient with people who have a plethora of pride
-Spend significant time talking with people that you feel are "below you", realize that everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, begin to love them as you love yourself
-Say hello to everyone who passes you and realize that every one of god's children and they are all his VIP's (God is no respecter of specific persons)
-read scriptures daily to show god that you require his help to successfully travel through life
-Pray to him and share with him and thank him -for he has created all things that you love (and all things that improove your character.
I wanted to write about this because prayer is a vital part of my life. A part of which I am most deeply greatful for.