Exactly a week ago, I gave a talk in Sacrament meeting about Missionary Work. I'll put a link on the bottom if you would like to read it.

As I thought about this, the thought occurred to me that I have haven't practiced what I have preached for a long time. Of course, there was this one time during my childhood when I invited my friend to come to church :D. That was so long ago. I vaguely remember feeling joy because I had done this. After giving this talk, I decided to DO- what I told my ward to DO. Background: I have many non-member friends and I can literally see how the Holy Ghost affects my life and can see the absence of it in their lives. How awesome would it be to bring the Holy Ghost into their lives?!

So, I put the plan into action. Note:thankgoodness my friend is open to talking about religion. I brought up the conversation and then asked her if I could go to Mass (a catholic sacrament meeting)

I am leaving next week on Sat to go to mass and then she will come with me Sun for all meetings! I hope this all works out like I hope it will! But I know I shouldn't fret, it will be a great experience for both of us. :D
Bye! Love, Peace, Chicken Grease.