The first year of Junior High School was also my first year at Timpanogas Academy. It was different, because I wouldn’t have the same friends from Elementary. Timp. Acad. Is a charter school, they wear uniforms. The First day was wonderful. Eager to meet new people and make new best friends, I charged into my first class, Spanish 1. The first thing I said was “I’m going to sit here, you can’t stop me!” with a wide grin on my dimpled face. I smoothly sat and chatted with two Latino girls. These girls, Miroslava and Sofia, would be my best friends for the whole year. We just clicked! We were very different culture wise. However, we were both very friendly people who loved to have a good laugh. I can’t remember a year equal to this 7th grade. It was so darn fun! The first day was great, not only to get a fresh start, but because of the uniform policy. No one could judge us by our fashion! We all wore green-blue skorts or shorts and white polo’s! Without this parting of segregation, we students could be able to see others for who they are. We could beam the brightest side of our individual personalities! I had a great time with this, everyone loved me and I loved them. I know now this concept deeper than before, that no one should be intimidated about their clothing, if they have a strong self-esteem, they can let the personality shine through. Our class was great because we had a feeling of acceptance, on the very first day.